This time, i'll share about my experience during my KPLI interview which is done yesterday, 28th august 2008 ( thursday )..
hmm...everything seems quite hard...i move early from my home as early as 8.00am eventhough my interview session will be at 11.00am..but, i got stuck at serdang komuter because the train got problem at another station about 40minutes.. i can't wait anymore and have to take a cab to LRT sungai besi, go to masjid jamek, take a putra LRT to Universiti... only then i can take a cab again to Institut Perguruan Bahasa Bahasa Antarabangsa (IPBA)...wat a long journey huh....;) at last, i made myself to reach there at about 10.45am..
wat a coincidence, i met my UITM ex-clasmates there..they are 2 of them...azreen n and azreen were in the same group (room A) but hatty was in the other room (room B)..
today's interviu is only for those who are applying for 'pengajian sains (Room A & B)' and 'bahasa cina (Room C)'. while we were waiting for our turn, the first group (8.00am group) were about to finish with the individual, i still have time collect some tips from them..they told me that just be confident on wateva u said but must be careful with your words because they always asking u again based on the answer that u gave..but, for pengajian sains, most of them had been asked about science concept,
how to apply the science concept to the pupils.. as example my fren, Faradilla, she's been asked about how to explain to pupils about kinetic energy after all we can't even see the energy..
other questions that had been asked (according to my fren):
how to differentiate the speed and velocity
how to explain to the pupils about the process of 'gerhana' (can't remember gerhana in english..;))
how to explain the differences between acid and bases to the pupils..what techniques can we use to make them clear enough about it.
what is the differences between science and technology and which one is more important
now, back to the interviu.... there are 2 sessions; group discussion & individual.. for discussion, our topic is about;
'kepentingan komunikasi antara guru dan murid dlm kelas' and 'komunikasi yang berkesan di dalam kelas'...our discussion was not too good n not too bad but everybody still got chances to speak and elaborate our point..i got stuck when the judges want us to conclude our discussion. i was the last person to conclude.. so, everything in my mind already concluded by group discussion was took about half an hour.=)
for individual session, i also be the last person to be interviewed...but i think it is still ok because i can get some tips from the earlier person.he. then, come to my turn at about 2.00pm...
when i first entered the room, both of the interviewer suddenly smile to each other...huhu..i think maybe they're already remember me as the person that created problem before the interview got started..because i was not really arrange my document nicely, and i mix all the certificates including the certificates from UPSR to PMR(that shouldn't be included)..hehe ....then, they ask me to rearrange the document again..they seems mad at sorry...i didn't realize that my document was not nicely arrange yet...
so, there are actually 2 interviewer during that day. one malay guy and one chinese woman...
during the session i've been asked about:
* my background, my family,...
* my current job
* my status
* why i wanna be a teacher
* education phylosophy (after they looked at my "pernyataan hasrat")
They also ask me a really really tough question... "Dlm PIPP, satu daripada terasnya adalah membina modal insan..Dalam membina modal insan, kita perlu menseimbangkan semua aspek intelek, emosi, rohani dan jasmani para pelajar..Jadi, bagaimana cara anda sebagai seorang guru, bertanggungjawaba dalam menseimbangkan pelajar pelajar anda dari segi intelek, emosi, rohani dan jasmani... waaaa!!!! a very tough question...i can't even remember my answer for that question actually...hehehe..because every words that come out from my mouth always been cut by the interviewer...
now, time for the questions on science concept.. i really enjoyed myself answering this questions...hehe..
first , they ask me " among 3 sciences, which one do you think the most interesting??
my answer is, "i think chemistry is much more interesting to me eventhough i am majoring in biology..."..because we can't leave chemistry in biology field or physic field.. bio n physic really depend on chemistry....
2nd question;
Give us some example on how interesting the chemistry is especially in our life or our environment..??
i just answer about DNA.. we can't just use biology method to determine the DNA..we have to add up some of the chemistry method in order to determine the composition in each bar of DNA. hehe...i don't know either my answer is correct or not, but i just maintain my confident face..haha...and then i saw that women nodding their head and i guess she's agree with me..hehe
but they ask me for another, this time i give them example about water... i said, with naked eyes we can't see the small particles inside the water..but, if we bring the water into the lab and do some chemical analysis, we can actually know what was water had.. besides, we can know the level of toxicity of the water; is the water really safe for the human consumption???..huhu..
last question: " because just now u said that u really like chemistry than biology, i really want to ask u a little bit about chemistry"
..hmm... wat is electrolysis...? bla bla n bla bla..hehe.. i said that electrolisis is the process of ion movement..n bla bla bla..then, they start to ask me more about the process.....bla bla n bla bla...
after that, the interview session was about 2.30pm..
& me n azreen went back together to University Putra LRT.....azreen went back to home..n me?? after the interview, i went to KLCC to meet my fren, Mirol and his frens...quite enjoy hanging up with them..hehe.. all sabahan and sarawakian..there are 6 of us including me(me, mirol, adik, ika, en.roslan , a chinese looked sarawakian guy-i can't remember ur name laaa!! so sori) & we still have time watching muvie , "mirror" ..i reach home at about tired....fortunately mirol and his fren gave me a ride...thk u so much...=)
2 years ago