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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

CongRaTs mY littLe Sista.....lUv u..muaCks!!

Akhernya segala penat lelah adik aku berbaloi... at last, dia dapat gak wat stret A's in her PMR...tak sangka gak aku , adik aku ni terror gak dari aku..(wlupun aku salu belagak teror ngan ko sebab aku kakak ko) haha! .

nampak la dia stadi giler waktu PMR dah nak dekat aritu..++jadik budak yang giler baik arrr....++ solat tak tinggal, bangun malam,++sanggup tak merayap time raya ++ n yang paling tak tahan, wat silap ngn orang sket pun terus nak mintak mangap..hehe..padahal benda simple jek..bukan pe, takut orang tak redho dia nak exam aritu..

yang paling aku ingat skali, aritu dia tgok gambar kawan aku, direct jek mulut dia kutuk kawan aku..tah kenapa tak smpi bape minit pastu, dia suruh aku sms kawan aku tu, suh kata dia mintak mangap..blur lah kawan aku tu smpi lah ke hari ni..hehe...

Pasni, kopak la duit aku melunaskan janji2 yang aku dah teraburrkan...huhu..
Apepun, congrats dik!!!

mE + my 2 sista ++ my noty nephew_ CongRatS untuk AdIk aku yg teror yang dok kat Tgh2 tu.._ =)


Dari pagi smpi ke petang, aku dok pening ngan mcm2 borang2.. konpius sana sini..seb bek ada shafa..leh kongsi ape2 yang aku tak last, ko pilih gak ke IpTi ek shafa..moga2 ape yang ko decide ni betul..amin..

baru jap tadi lepas jumpe pengarah BTI.....terkejut sunggoh bos aku sorang nih aku nak resign..benda first yang dia tnya.."dah bape lame keje sini?"...."memang minat nak jadi cikgu ke?... "budak2 skang susah nak control"...."dah pikir abis ke?"..aku aah kan je segala soalan bos aku tu...

at last, dia terus sign surat aku tu n kata...
"takpe la..takde halangan untuk saya taknak lepaskan awak...."untuk mase depan awak jugak"..

tak terkata aku...pas dia sign surat aku tu, kat sebelah tu dia tulis besor2, 'tiada halangan dan mohon diberi pengganti...'
takde komen dah dari dia pastu..n aku pun terus kuar dengan ati yang tak tau nak kata ape..huhu

watebe la boss..yang penting dah setel...keje gov ni macam2..nak blah gitu jek tak leh..taknak blah gitu jek mcm2 plak nak kena tempuh..wat surat tulah, nilah, notis sebulan la ape la..huhu..
yang pastinya, pasni aku kena beli byk stock megi untuk simpanan selama 3 bulan sebab aku takkan dapat elaun selama 3 bulan..waaaa....

tah ape aku merapu...nak balik umah daaa...hosmate aku dah tunggu bawah...DaAAaaa dlu...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mcm dah sgt lama tak update blog ni…. Life sgt bizi ngan keje + takde mase nak update pape kat blog ni since hidup yang sangat susah nak access internet ++ after perampok merampok laptop aku yang dah berlapok sgt tu…huhu.. now dah ada yang baru >>wink;) tq so much to my sis, HAWA, sebab ‘memfree’kan diri mentemankan kakakmu yng baik ni mencarik life baru with new laptop++clcmbrdbnd. haha..(ko jgn nak gelak2kan aku arrr);)
Erm..Arini 28th December 2008…ada beberapa minggu lagi untuk aku bersiap sedia ke 12 Januari 2009 untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada warga Institut Perguruan Temenggong Ibrahim (IPTI)…back to my hometown weh..mcm tak sangka.. Member2 lain lak takde yang dpt same tmpt ngan aku, ada..shafa..tapi dia ni pun ngah berpikir2 lagi either nak tgu pegawai sains or teruskan with cikgu ni….
wat Azreen, Aida, Ira..n sape2 lagi yang pass interviu KPLI aritu, tahniah ek..slamat menjadik warga pendidik yang berkaliber n baik.cewah…xmo garang2..hehe.
Aku ni, nak blah boss tak tau pelepasan jawatan dah siap tapi lum anta je lagi..Warga MINT cuti memanjang…tu pasal tak dpat nak hantar2…
tah ape la yang akan dicakapkan oleh boss aku tu nanti bile aku kata aku nak blah..dah la jawatan tetap ++baru 4 bulan lebih aku keje kat NuclearMalaysia ni..n baru gak dibagi tanggungjawab wat job ngan Dr.Petryka from Poland.. Da la ritu boss aku yang best ni dah suggest aku suh sambung blajo lagi dlm course yang lebih kurang ape yang aku wat keje skang ni..tak suke…=(
I am so sori boss..Wat Dr.Jaafar n Dr.Nassir…bukan aku tak suke keje kat bahagian teknologi industry (BTI) ni, tapi aku nak pegi gak sebab aku rase jiwa aku lagi ngam untuk menjadi sbhgian warga pendidik ni.. Lagi satu, menunaikan hasrat ayah yang nak sgt tengok sorang daripada anak dia jadik cikgu…
yang sorang dah jadik engineer, yang sorang dah jadik physiotherapist..yang kecik tu, tak tau lagi jadik ape….so, biarlah aku jadik cikgu..he.. lagipun selepas mintak pendapat dripada pegawai2 tempat aku koje ni, majoritinya sgt men’saran’kan aku men”cikgu”kan diri aku nihaa..hehe..yela..reasonnnya….perempuan… ++wife dorang kebanyaknnya cikgu gak..cuti banyak..hehe.
Hmm, aher kata, moga2 jalan yang aku pilih ni betul…
Selamat menyambut tahun baru hijrah 1430…Sesungguhnya setiap amalan anak adam itu akan dicatit di dalam buku amalannya walau sebesar zarah sekalipun…jangan lupe bace doa akher tahun sebagai penutup buku amalan lama dan doa awal tahun bagi membuka helaian pertama buku amalan baru..amin….

Saturday, August 30, 2008


This time, i'll share about my experience during my KPLI interview which is done yesterday, 28th august 2008 ( thursday )..
hmm...everything seems quite hard...i move early from my home as early as 8.00am eventhough my interview session will be at 11.00am..but, i got stuck at serdang komuter because the train got problem at another station about 40minutes.. i can't wait anymore and have to take a cab to LRT sungai besi, go to masjid jamek, take a putra LRT to Universiti... only then i can take a cab again to Institut Perguruan Bahasa Bahasa Antarabangsa (IPBA)...wat a long journey huh....;) at last, i made myself to reach there at about 10.45am..
wat a coincidence, i met my UITM ex-clasmates there..they are 2 of them...azreen n and azreen were in the same group (room A) but hatty was in the other room (room B)..

today's interviu is only for those who are applying for 'pengajian sains (Room A & B)' and 'bahasa cina (Room C)'. while we were waiting for our turn, the first group (8.00am group) were about to finish with the individual, i still have time collect some tips from them..they told me that just be confident on wateva u said but must be careful with your words because they always asking u again based on the answer that u gave..but, for pengajian sains, most of them had been asked about science concept,

how to apply the science concept to the pupils.. as example my fren, Faradilla, she's been asked about how to explain to pupils about kinetic energy after all we can't even see the energy..

other questions that had been asked (according to my fren):
how to differentiate the speed and velocity
how to explain to the pupils about the process of 'gerhana' (can't remember gerhana in english..;))
how to explain the differences between acid and bases to the pupils..what techniques can we use to make them clear enough about it.
what is the differences between science and technology and which one is more important

now, back to the interviu.... there are 2 sessions; group discussion & individual.. for discussion, our topic is about;

'kepentingan komunikasi antara guru dan murid dlm kelas' and 'komunikasi yang berkesan di dalam kelas'...our discussion was not too good n not too bad but everybody still got chances to speak and elaborate our point..i got stuck when the judges want us to conclude our discussion. i was the last person to conclude.. so, everything in my mind already concluded by group discussion was took about half an hour.=)

for individual session, i also be the last person to be interviewed...but i think it is still ok because i can get some tips from the earlier person.he. then, come to my turn at about 2.00pm...

when i first entered the room, both of the interviewer suddenly smile to each other...huhu..i think maybe they're already remember me as the person that created problem before the interview got started..because i was not really arrange my document nicely, and i mix all the certificates including the certificates from UPSR to PMR(that shouldn't be included)..hehe ....then, they ask me to rearrange the document again..they seems mad at sorry...i didn't realize that my document was not nicely arrange yet...

so, there are actually 2 interviewer during that day. one malay guy and one chinese woman...
during the session i've been asked about:

* my background, my family,...

* my current job

* my status

* why i wanna be a teacher

* education phylosophy (after they looked at my "pernyataan hasrat")

They also ask me a really really tough question... "Dlm PIPP, satu daripada terasnya adalah membina modal insan..Dalam membina modal insan, kita perlu menseimbangkan semua aspek intelek, emosi, rohani dan jasmani para pelajar..Jadi, bagaimana cara anda sebagai seorang guru, bertanggungjawaba dalam menseimbangkan pelajar pelajar anda dari segi intelek, emosi, rohani dan jasmani... waaaa!!!! a very tough question...i can't even remember my answer for that question actually...hehehe..because every words that come out from my mouth always been cut by the interviewer...

now, time for the questions on science concept.. i really enjoyed myself answering this questions...hehe..
first , they ask me " among 3 sciences, which one do you think the most interesting??

my answer is, "i think chemistry is much more interesting to me eventhough i am majoring in biology..."..because we can't leave chemistry in biology field or physic field.. bio n physic really depend on chemistry....

2nd question;
Give us some example on how interesting the chemistry is especially in our life or our environment..??

i just answer about DNA.. we can't just use biology method to determine the DNA..we have to add up some of the chemistry method in order to determine the composition in each bar of DNA. hehe...i don't know either my answer is correct or not, but i just maintain my confident face..haha...and then i saw that women nodding their head and i guess she's agree with me..hehe

but they ask me for another, this time i give them example about water... i said, with naked eyes we can't see the small particles inside the water..but, if we bring the water into the lab and do some chemical analysis, we can actually know what was water had.. besides, we can know the level of toxicity of the water; is the water really safe for the human consumption???..huhu..

last question: " because just now u said that u really like chemistry than biology, i really want to ask u a little bit about chemistry"
..hmm... wat is electrolysis...? bla bla n bla bla..hehe.. i said that electrolisis is the process of ion movement..n bla bla bla..then, they start to ask me more about the process.....bla bla n bla bla...
after that, the interview session was about 2.30pm..

& me n azreen went back together to University Putra LRT.....azreen went back to home..n me?? after the interview, i went to KLCC to meet my fren, Mirol and his frens...quite enjoy hanging up with them..hehe.. all sabahan and sarawakian..there are 6 of us including me(me, mirol, adik, ika, en.roslan , a chinese looked sarawakian guy-i can't remember ur name laaa!! so sori) & we still have time watching muvie , "mirror" ..i reach home at about tired....fortunately mirol and his fren gave me a ride...thk u so much...=)

Monday, August 18, 2008

my feeling n my experience...=)

today , i am very happy..hehe..actually, last month, i had an SPA interview for agensi nuklear malaysia (MINT).. n alhamdulillah, i got that job!!hehe..i gatai tgan call SPA asking for my interview result...n they said that " cik siti sarah, Tahniah, anda berjaya.. segala details, kami akan pos kan surat ke rumah" that time, only god know how happy i am..=)..
the first person that i texted to share this gud news was my bestfren, 'anim'..hehe..she was the person that keep giving me some tips before the day had come ..hehe.almaklum laa...she performed very well during her first goverment interview n she made it n now she works as agriculture officer at perbadanan putrajaya..thanx nim for the heel, tips,opinion n everything..hehe..

to be truth, i was actually quite comfortable during the interview session..hehe. panels were so friendly n the way they interviewed me are like we were having chatting at kedai mamak..=)..they ask this and that n none of them sound very serious.....when come to the serious question, they don't sound too formal....& even none of them look scary to me..hehe..
n because of that, i can be my self.. the real me..=)

i was the second person to be interviewed at that day..when i first entered the room, there were 2 guy & one women..hmm...i felt quite nervous..i have to hide n control my feeling.. hehe...control control..if not, i can't perform well..huu..(an important advice given by cik fazidah hanim...he)

then, the first question they ask me was " siti sarah, siapa bagi nama?"..hehe..with proud, i answer their question..hehe...'nenek saya bagi nama'...they respond again....' wat a lovely name...pandai nenek awak bagi nama..' hehe..again....bangga bangga...=)

by the time they looking at my file and my resume, they actually knew that i am a degree holder , after all this job is only for diplome, they ask me why did i apply for this job...they'd provoke me here n there..i just said, now, not easy for fresh graduate like me to find a job that suite with their, why must i become too choosy...if the rezeki is in front of us, juzt grab it. so, my advice here...don't lie to them if u are a degree holder..just tell them the truth..;)...n let them judge it...=)

then, they even ask me my experience as student at UiTM kota samarahan, sarawak as they knew that i had been there for my answer is : i can speak sarawak quite well! =) n they ask me to speak sarawak a little make sure that i can speak sarawak, they ask me to translate some word form malaya word to sarawak word..ahaha.. i am quite enjoy attending this interview session..=) i can speak watever i want..

then, come into the quite serious question..they ask me about my previous job...i am pretty sure that my current job really helping me to answer this current job is quite related with the job at MINT...doing soil chem. analysis,soil mechanical analysis... plant chem. analysis...n many other things...they also ask me to explain details about one analysis that i am doing rite now..with full of confidence, i explain to them about "kjedahl analysis" on soil to determine percentage of total nitrogen in soil...hehe...they seems interested...keh keh keh...(to aiza, thank coz forcing me to help you to do the N analysis a week before i being interviewed) ....n because of that, everything was very fresh in mind... i think that i got bonus marks for the answer of this question..hehe..perasan...
besides , they also ask me about my final year project....again, i made them impressed...hehe... i told them that my final project was about mice(tikus) and noni (mengkudu) noni can reduce the blood glucose level of diabetic i noticed they seems interested into my final project,i told them my experiences dealing with mice, injected the mice with certain chemical..n how to extract the mengkudu n many other things la....hehe...

my interview session took about half an hour....hmm...8.50 till 9.20am...before the interview finish, i told to them that, don't judge me from my small size...small size doesn't telling everything about work last, me myself got embrassed..huhu..they look at me, n told that..." sy tak nampak pun u ni kecik, biase je"..hoho...bikin malu sendiri..hehehe..n they also told that, we'll never ask u doing things that u are not able to do it actually...hehe..right job for the right person laaa...hehe..@ that time, it is like i am already be hired by them..haha..perasan sunggoh..

so, my advice here...keep on smiling during the session no matter how bad you looks.. hehe.....
another thing is, don't show to them that u are too smart..juzt be humble but smart enough to make the panel interested to ask more more thing, be yourself..dont pretending to be other person..he..

actually, i haven't decide yet whether i want to accept this job or many confusion with my master project n this job..if i go, it is juzt for diploma level..huhu..but my mom said, don't be too greedy...i have to think about this properly...

Thursday, August 14, 2008


i am very new into this things....hmm..after looking at my fren's blog, i realize that i suppose to have one too..i can write anything that i matter how bad my english is..huhu.i dont care, i still want it too..heh.

this coming saturday n sunday, 2 of my besfrens are getting married..huhu..i have to take a leave on friday to make a move from kl to pahang..huhu..they ask me to reach there as early as possible..hahaha.."very important person maaa".. ;p.. on that friday, i have to escape one sori dr syed..heh..i hav to..huuu. olready ask haris to sign my jahat ar??he

talking about wedding, last week i accompany my fren, aiza, to her fren wedding at juaseh n serting ( if i am not mistaken laa...) he. very happening la her sporting..but, at certain time, i am quite blur when they all borak2 each other..huhu..they all speaking nogori certain words that i can't catch up beb..huhu..just pretending that i understand..hahah..they laugh , i laugh..haha..eventhough i am not really clear with wat they laugh about..haha.. the pic on top was the pic taken on that wedding day..i stole this pic from aiza's fren..kiki..sowi arr..(me: on the third box from below)=P

after finish with all that, we drop by to aiza's house. also at n9.. by the time we reach there, we were ask to eat 'goreng cempedak', durian, rambutan, etc..hehe.. full la that time..
then, about 6pm, her father ask us to take some rambutan from his dusun near the many rambutan there..n we brought some of the rmbutan to serdang..

before we were about to go back to kl, aiza brought me to eat 'mee kari' at her aunt is juz about eating.hohoho..
then, we go back to serdang...n we reach there about 9.30pm....
so tired but, i am quite time are fulled with a lot of activities..